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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Honors US History: Change in America, 1877-1945: US History Databases and Reference Sources


for ESSENTIAL background information - facts like WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, and HOW - that will be useful as you dive deeper into your research.




  • This will allow you to better understand where the specific information you find later fits in the bigger picture.
  • Make note of terms - also called KEYWORDS - relevant to your topic:
    • Examples: names of people; important dates; relevant legislation; words or expressions unique to your topic.
  • You can use these keywords when searching for secondary sources (books and journal articles) and primary sources. 
  • Reference sources often contain bibliographies that lead you to secondary and primary sources.
Examples of Reference Sources: Encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, atlases, thesauruses, and indexes.

Online Reference Databases

Resource Allows NoodleTools Export Citations can be exported from this source to NoodleTools.
Contains Primary Sources This source contains Primary Sources.


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including title page and back side of title page
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Print and eBook Reference Sources

The tables of contents in the ebook American Centuries can be difficult to browse. To make them easier to use, we have attached tables of contents for the relevant volumes below.

Great Events From History

Chronologically arranged by date of event, this series presents the major cultural, political, social events and more in world history, including the United States. 
If you have any questions, see
Mr. Previti, Mrs. Lovallo,
or Mr. Padgett
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