Overview essays, biographies, primary sources, videos and slideshows, images, timelines, and maps and graphs in African-American history. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
American Government provides a complete, multifaceted examination of the foundations of our government and political system. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Overview essays, biographies, primary sources, images, timelines, and more in American political, military, social, and cultural history. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Overview essays, biographies, events and topics, primary source documents, timelines, maps and charts, images and videos on the history of American Indians. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
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Opposing Viewpoints, covering today's hottest social issues, is a rich resource for debaters and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Examines controversial issues in United States and world history, supported by nearly 2000 primary source documents from antiquity to the present. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
This is a way to search the entire Salem eBook collection at once. Use this when you are researching a subject that may cross disciplines to maximize your results. To cite a reference article, choose Database and Reference Source. On the template page, choose Original print information provided. For the URL, click Copy Permanent Link to article in left sidebar of your article.
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These first two resources are especially helpful for the essential information about your act of legislation.