Any document, image, or artifact created at the time of the topic being researched is a primary source.
Examples include: eyewitness accounts, autobiographies and memoirs, diaries, letters, speeches, reports, newspapers, household and day-to-day objects, clothing, works of art, architecture, and photographs.
NOTE: primary source documents are a reflection of the time and culture in which they were created and may contain language or images that are considered offensive today.
ALWAYSlimit your search to the date range relevant to your topic.
Try searching terms, phrases, etc. that were commonly used at the time in relation to your topic.
Look for document-type limitersthat may improve your results, such as article, commentary, editorial, front page / cover story, letter to the editor, etc
Citations can be exported from this source to NoodleTools.
Search thousands of credible, global news sources from more than 200 countries and territories. Find articles organized by eras in U.S. History in the companion database America's Historical Newspapers, 1690-2000. TIP: Sort results by BEST MATCH. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
A timeline-based interface divided into key eras in U.S. and world history from 1690 to 2000. Each issue/event includes an overview, and links to related articles in newspapers of the time. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Provides full-text access to five major U.S. newspapers: Chicago Tribune (1985-present), Los Angeles Times (1985-present), New York Times (1980-present), Wall Street Journal (1984-present), Washington Post (1987-present). NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
means this source contains Primary Sources.
means you can export the citation for this source to NoodleTools
Historical Newspaper Databases by Demographic Group
"This primary source collection offers an expansive window into centuries of Asian American history and daily life – as well as the ways popular culture has portrayed and perceived people of Asian descent. " This database covers from the early 18th century to the early 21st century. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
"This primary source collection offers an expansive window into centuries of African American history, culture and daily life—as well as the ways the dominant culture has portrayed and perceived people of African descent. " This database covers from the early 18th century to the early 21st century. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
This primary source collection offers an expansive window into centuries of Hispanic American history, culture, and daily life – as well as the ways the dominant culture has portrayed and perceived people of Hispanic descent. This database covers from the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the early 21st century. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
If you have any questions, see
Mr. Previti, Mrs. Lovallo,
or Mr. Padgett
Overview essays, biographies, primary sources, videos and slideshows, images, timelines, and maps and graphs in African-American history. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Overview essays, biographies, primary sources, images, timelines, and more in American political, military, social, and cultural history. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Overview essays, biographies, events and topics, primary source documents, timelines, maps and charts, images and videos on the history of American Indians. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
1,700 of the most-studied primary source documents from U.S. and world history, accompanied by in-depth commentary and analysis from experts. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.