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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

US History: White Paper Project: Native America: Websites

Find Reliable Websites

  • Britannica Academic Articles include links to recommended websites.
  • SweetSearch, A Search Engine for Students searches only credible websites approved by research experts. 
  • Limit your Google search to reliable domains by including the phrase AND site:edu OR site:gov (edu for educational institutions in the U.S.; gov for U.S. government agencies) 



If you have any questions, see
Mr. Padgett, Mrs. Lovallo, or Mr. Previti
OR email us at
We're here to help!

Other Websites

National Congress of American Indians Founded in 1944, the NCAI is the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization serving the broad interests of tribal governments and communities.
National Museum of the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution)
Indian Country Today is the largest news site that covers tribes and Native people throughout the Americas. Our primary focus is delivering news to a national audience to your mobile phone. 
American Indian Constitutions and Legal Materials The documents on this page from the Library of Congress Law Library include 19th century items, as well as constitutions and charters drafted after the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act.
High Country News: Indigenous Affairs Through in-depth reporting, High Country News covers the West’s social, political and ecological issues. From Alaska and the Northern Rockies to the desert Southwest, the Great Plains to the West Coast, High Country News covers 12 Western states and hundreds of Indigenous communities.
American Indian Movement  Official website of the AIM, a Native American grassroots movement founded in 1968 initially centered in urban areas to address systemic issues of poverty and police brutality. The group widened its focus include many issues that Native American groups have faced, such as treaty rights, unemployment, education, cultural continuity, and preservation of Indigenous cultures.

NoodleTools Tips for Citing Websites

PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy and paste complete citations from web pages if given. NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copies and pasted citation.


To cite a source on a website, choose Website.

Remember: a website is an online source you discover through Google (or another search engine) as opposed to a subscription database you access through the library.

  • Websites can contain many kinds of sources including: Reference articles, ebook content, journal articles, primary sources, newspaper articles, speech transcripts, images, etc.
  • If you can determine it, select the source type from the list under Website in NoodleTools.
  • If it's not clear what type of source it is, choose Webpage.


If you would like help evaluating a source, see (or email) Mr. Padgett, Mrs. Lovallo, or Mr. Previti.
We're happy to help!