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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

US History: White Paper Project: Native America: Home


Welcome to your course guide for the White Paper Project on Native American Nations

The resources under the tabs above are reliable, trustworthy sources you can access on and off campus.

If you have any questions, see
Mr. Padgett, Mrs. Lovallo, or Mr. Previti
OR email us at
We're here to help!

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including title page and back side of title page
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Your Assignment

Official government reports, known as "white papers", do several things: inform others of an issue, take a position on that issue, and propose potential solutions to that issue.
Assignment: Write a 3-page "white paper" report to the U.S. government (wrtten from a present-day perspective). 
Task: Research your Native American tribe and its region and compose a white paper in which you:
  • Provide an informative overview of your tribe and its relations with the United States.
  • Explain how and why the United States's approach was flawed.
  • Propose a solution for reconciliation between your tribe and the U.S. government today.
Tribes are listed by their Americanized name.
  • Lakota (1850-1890)
  • Nez Perce (1850-1890)
  • Apache (1870-1890)
  • Navajo (1855-1890)
  • Cheyenne (1848-1890)
Minimum source requirements:
  • 1 Reference source (encyclopedia) per group member
  • 1 Secondary source book 
  • 1 Primary source
  • 1 Non-traditional source (video, audio, podcast, etc.)
Using NoodleTools, create your project, set up collaboration with your group members, and cite your sources in Chicago-Turabian style. When you cite a source, NoodleTools automatically generates a footnote to copy and paste into your paper.


NoodleTools General Tips

Ready to cite your source? 

NoodleTools will ask:

1. Where did you find your source?

  • Most likely it will be one of these:
    • Database 
    • Website
    • Print or in-hand

2. What is your source?

  • Most likely, it will be one of these:
    • Journal
    • Magazine
    • Newspaper
    • Book
    • Reference Source
    • Web Page

PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy and paste complete citations from electronic sources. NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copied and pasted citations.


Mr. Padgett, Mrs. Lovallo, and Mr. Previti can help!