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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Revolutions: Women in World War II Resistance Movements: Images and Videos


About Images

It's so easy to find images on the internet, but that doesn't mean that you can freely use them without the permission of the creator / owner of the image, be it a photographer, an artist, a museum or other group, organization, or institution. Use the resources we provide below to find images you can freely use in your project. 

Please note: primary source documents including images are a reflection of the time and culture in which they were created and may contain language or images that are considered offensive today.

We recommend that you start your image search with the subscription database Britannica ImageQuest, which contains millions of images rights-cleared for non-commercial, educational use. 


If you're not sure about the usage rights of an image, please ask us for assistance!

Find Videos

  • Daring to resist: three women face the Holocaust  (Shulamit Lack, Barbara Ledermann Rodbell, Faye Schulman) DVD on reserve at the Library Circulation Desk.
  • Every Day the Impossible: Jewish Women in the Partisans. One of several short documentary films ...made from from a collection of 50 original interviews with surviving Jewish partisans shot all over the world; from the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation which develops and distributes effective educational materials about the Jewish partisans and their life lessons,
  • Gladiators of World War II: SOE British Prime Minister Winston Churchill established the Special Operations Executive in 1940 with young men and women who worked as spies in occupied enemy territory; from the database Classroom Video on Demand. 

Find Images

You can also find images on Google Images 

On your image search results page:

  • Click on Tools.
  • Click on Size and choose Large so you get a clear, sharp image for your slide.
  • Click on Usage Rights and choose Creative Commons Licenses which allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator.

Best Practices for Attribution with examples; from Creative Commons.

Jewish Women's Encyclopedia


Jewish Women's Encyclopedia is the world's largest collection of information on Jewish women and is dedicated to collecting and promoting their extraordinary stories; from the Jewish Women's Archive. Also contains a multimedia gallery including public domain images which can be used in your project. Includes in-depth articles on Hannah Senesh / Szenes and Havivah Reik.


Citing Images and Videos in NoodleTools 

NOTEAn image is cited on the slide upon which it appears rather than in the bibliography at the end of your project.

To cite an Image, choose the option that best describes where you found it: 

  • Database = a Taft Subscription Database such as Britannica ImageQuest.
  • Website =  a website like Digital Public Library of America or one found through Google Images.
  • Print or In-Hand = a print book or reference source containing a chart, graph, or table.

Next you will choose the type of image you are citing. For instance, a cartoon or comic strip, map or chart, photo or illustration, or work of visual art.

For video, you will choose Film or Video Recording to cite an entire video, or Video Clip to cite a portion of a video.

  • To download an image, right click on the image and choose "Save image as". (On a MacBook, hold down Ctrl and click = right click) 
  • To get the permanent URL of the image for your citation, right click on the image and choose "Copy image address".