Any document, image, or artifact created at the time of the topic being researched is a primary source.
Examples include: eyewitness accounts, autobiographies and memoirs, diaries, letters, speeches, reports, newspapers, household and day-to-day objects, clothing, works of art, architecture, and photographs.
To ensure equitable access, all reserve materials are to be used only in the library for the duration of the project.
Ask Library Staff at the Circulation Desk for the specific books you would like to use.
We will retrieve the books from the reserve shelves and sign them out to you.
When you have finished using them or at the end of class, RETURN the books to a Library Staff Member.
List of books on reserve with links to contents notes
The following books are memoirs written by women in the Resistance:
The Imperial War Museum website has some wonderful resources on European women during the war, including the following:
To cite a Primary Source, first choose the NoodleTools option that best describes where you found it:
Next determine what kind of primary source you are citing: