Secondary source books are second-hand sources written by scholars which present a new interpretation or thesis based upon a synthesis of primary sources, scholarly journal articles, and other secondary sources.
Sometimes there will be an entire book, sometimes you may have to assemble information from multiple monographs.
Secondary sources will usually have a bibliography of materials for further study, including primary sources, journal articles (which are also secondary sources), and books.
To ensure equitable access, all reserve materials are to be used only in the library for the duration of the project.
Use the links above to identify which books you would like to borrow.
Ask Library Staff at the Circulation Desk for the specific books you would like to use.
We will retrieve the books from the reserve shelves and sign them out to you.
When you have finished using them or at the end of class, RETURN the books to a Library Staff Member.
Women in a Man's War:: The Employment of Female Agents in the Special Operations Executive, 1940-1946 A thesis by Cameron Davis Carlomagno submitted in partial fulfillment of a Master's Degree in War and Society, May 2019, Chapman University. Chapman University Digital Commons.
Partisans, godmothers, bicyclists, and other terrorists: women in the French resistance and under Vichy A thesis by Rayna Kline submitted in partial fultillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in History, Portland State University, 1977. PDX Scholar, Portland State University Library. Free Download.
To cite a book, first choose the NoodleTools option that best describes where you found it:
NOTE: Print and electronic books can also be cited in NoodleTools using the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) . For a print book, look for the ISBN and associated barcode on the back cover or on the back side of the title page. If you don't find it, a library staff member can help. Books published before 1967 won't have an ISBN.