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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Model UN: Yale Review of International Studies Essay: Home

In a world of growing nationalism, migration, and globalization, how should we define citizenship, either legally, historically, or culturally?

  • To whom do governments owe obligations as citizens? Which bodies, government or otherwise, deserve our allegiance? Identify one country or compare two countries that have experienced nationalism, migration, or globalization, and evaluate how these trends have affected citizenship in that country. Do the principles of citizenship compete or comply with these trends? Should they?
  • 4-6 pages max, double-spaced, Chicago Citations

Online Reference Databases


START HERE: These resources provide essential background information on your country.

Country Profiles on the Internet

BBC News Country Profiles Note: if your country's link takes you to a 405 error page, search the internet using your country's name and the phrase country profile combined with For example: China country profile AND

CIA World Factbook (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)

GLOBALCIT is a programme committed to fact-based and non-partisan analysis of citizenship laws and policies around the globe. GLOBALCIT publishes databases, analyses, indicators and debates on citizenship status and electoral rights. It relies on a large international network of country experts who write country reports, collect legal documents and provide input for our comparative databases. Its user-friendly interactive tools enable the comparison of data across countries and over time. Award-winning site for country information.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on almost 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow.


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NoodleTools Tips: Reference Sources

NoodleTools asks you to identify

WHERE you found your source and WHAT your source is.


To cite an encyclopedia / reference source, choose the option that best describes where you found your source:

  • Database = a Taft Subscription Database such as Country Reports or Gale in Context: Global Issues.
  • Website = an encyclopedia or reference material found on the internet through a search engine such as Google, or one of the websites on this page.

Next you will choose what kind of source you are citing.

  • For the Database resources, choose Reference Source
    • You will complete both parts of the Reference Source form:
      • information about the article you used.
      • information about the encyclopedia / reference source as a whole.
  • If your source is one of the internet resources, choose Website and then Web Page

Provide as much information as is provided in the source. If a piece of information is not provided, such as author, leave the NoodleTools field blank..

Note: Reference sources originally in print can be cited in NoodleTools using the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) whether found in a database or in print.