The print and electronic sources below are encyclopedias and other reference sources that will give you a broad overview of your subject:
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
This will allow you to better understand where the specific information you find later fits in the bigger picture.
Make note of terms relating to your topic which you can then use when searching for secondary sources (books and journal articles) and primary sources. Examples: Names of people; important dates; relevant legislation; words or expressions unique to your topic. These are your "keywords." You will also use these keywords to search in the index of your ebooks.
General Search Tips:
Examples of Reference Sources: Almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, dictionaries / thesauruses, encyclopedias, handbooks, and indexes.
East and Southeast Asia 2010-2010. World Today series. Ref DS502 .H5 2019/20 (previous year available in Main Collection upstairs)
Encyclopedia of Asian history. Ref DS31 .E53 1987 4 vols
Encyclopedia of modern Asia. Ref DS4 .E53 2002 6 vols (also an online ebook)
Encyclopedia of the modern Middle East. Ref DS43 .E53 1996 4 vols
Encyclopedia of western colonialism since 1450. Ref JV22 .E535 2007 3 vols (also an online ebook)
Great events from history: The 20th century, 1941-1970. Ref D421 .G6295 2008. 6 vols (also an online ebook)
Southeast Asia: a historical encyclopedia from Angkor War to East Timor. Ref DS524 .S68 2004. 3 vols
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