The world's oldest encyclopedia digitized for the 21st century! In addition to reference articles, it also contains primary sources, journal articles, ebook content, images and video, and links to reliable websites. To cite a reference article, choose Database: Original Content in Database.
Search individually or all together the complete content of hundreds of reference books and monographs in all disciplines. Browse subject collections in the left sidebar. Use this especially when you are researching a subject that may straddle disciplines to maximize your results. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Overview essays, biographies, events and topics, primary source documents, timelines, maps and charts, images and videos from the mid-15th century to the present. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
Chronicles influential world events and developments since the 16th century to support research and analysis of global trends, causal relationships, and current conflicts; with reference articles, peer-reviewed essays written by scholars, and thousands of primary and secondary sources. NOTE: Citations can be exported to NoodleTools.
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This source contains Primary Sources.
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Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russia Revolution
Click below to open the Table of Contents of the Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russian Revolution:
To cite a reference article in the ebook, choose Database and Reference Source. On the ebook homepage, click on Cite this eBook to find the URL for the book. Use this URL in your citation. ABC-Clio does not provide permanent links to individual articles.