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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Periodicals List: Home

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Circulation Rules

Current issues can be used in the library only. All back issues circulate for 2 weeks. Back issues can be found on the shelves directly behind the current issues (just tip the display up).



Advocate, The
Included with Out subscription
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 9/1996--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 9/1996--current
American Craft
In Reading Room: three years current
American History
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 8/1994--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1994--current
American Poetry Review, The
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1994--currentAcademic OneFile 3/1989--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 7/1993--current; Academic OneFile1/1989--current
In Reading Room: five years current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 12/1988--6/22/2017
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1999--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
Art in America
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 11/2002--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current
(Discontinued 3/13/2022)
In Reading Room: Summer 2019--1/2022
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--1/2022
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 8/1992--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
Atlantic, The
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1993--current ‡ Academic OneFile 11/1993--9/1/2018
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 7/1955--current; Academic OneFile 11/1993--9/2018
In Reading Room: three years current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 3/1939--11/1982; Academic OneFile 1/1977--6/2018; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current



(Discontinued 9/15/2022)
In Reading Room: Apr 2019--Summer 2022
Full Text: Science Reference Center 5/1990--10/2022 ‡ Academic OneFile 2/1996--current
Indexed In: Science Reference Center 5/1990--10/2022; Academic OneFile 2/1977--current
Better Homes & Garden Wood Magazine
In Reading Room: three years current
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1993--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1977--current
Bloomberg Businessweek
In Reading Room: one year current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 9/2011--12/2020
Book Review Digest
Bound: Vol. 1(1905)-- Vol. 108(2012) Index / Ref Z1219 .C96
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/2002--current (Most current two weeks of full text not available on ASC)
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 8/1993--current
British Heritage Travel Formerly British Heritage (Discontinued 5/2022)
In Reading Room: Mar/Apr 2019--May/Jun 2022
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 6/1996--10/2015
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 6/1996--7/2018



Formerly Current Health Teens (Discontinued 6/2021)
In Reading Room: Nov/Dec 2018--May 2021
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/2013--12/2020
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/2013--12/2020
Chronicle of Higher Education, The
In Reading Room: Most current issue and month stored on newspaper shelves. Ask at Circulation Desk for three months back issues
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1999--current (Most current month of full text not available); Online access also available (contact Library staff for login credentials); Academic OneFile 1/1999--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 7/1990--current; Academic OneFile 1/1987--current
In Reading Room: three years current
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 9/1990--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 1/1953--12/1982; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 5/1990--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 10/1907--12/1982; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current
Comparative Literature
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: JSTOR 1949--2018 (5 year moving wall) ‡ Academic Search Complete 1/1975--6/2010
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1975--current
Congressional Digest
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 10/1921--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
Connecticut Magazine
In Reading Room: two years current
Connecticut Wildlife
In Reading Room: three years current
Consumer Reports
In Reading Room: three years current
(Year-end buying guides in Ref TX1.C58)
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 1/1991--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current; MasterFile Premier 1/1985--current
Cooks Illustrated
In Reading Room: three years current
Current History
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: JSTOR 12/12/1914-12/2020 (3 year moving wall)
Full Text Available Online: Current History 12/1914--current NOTE: On campus access only.
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 1/1929--11/1982; Academic OneFile 1/1977--3/2018; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current



Dance Magazine
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1994--current ‡ MasterFile Premier 1/1999--current ‡ Academic Search Complete 1/1998--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 1/1953--12/1982; Academic OneFile 1/1977--current; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current; MasterFile Premier 1/1984--current
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/2001--current ‡ Academic OneFile 12/2017--3/2022
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 11/1985--current; Academic OneFile 3/1992--3/2022



Economic Report of the President
In Reference HC106.6 .A272; previous year in Main HC106.6 .A272
Full Text Available Online (1996--2022):
Economist, The
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1988--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1981--current
Education Week
New Subscription 4/2023
In Reading Room: last 12 months
Full Text: See a librarian for full text access
EL Educational Leadership
In Reading Room: May 2019--current
Entertainment Weekly
In Reading Room: Aug. 2020--Apr. 2022
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 12/1993--4/2022
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 2/1990--4/2022
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 1/1996--current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 1/1984--current
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1992--current ‡ MasterFile Premier--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 8/1977--12/1/2018; Academic Search Complete 9/1/1984--current; MasterFile Premier 9/1984--current



Field & Stream
(Publication suspended 6/2021)
In Reading Room: 6/7/2018--8/9/2020
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/2001--12/2020 ‡ Academic OneFile 7/2003--12/2020
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--12/2020; Academic OneFile 2/2003--12/2020
Food Network Magazine
In Reading Room: three years current
In Reading Room: one year current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1977--current
Foreign Affairs
(Temporarily discontinued from 3/2022--8/2022)
In Reading Room: 3/4/2020--9/10/2022
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 9/15/1922--current ‡ Academic Search Complete 9/15/1922--current ‡ JSTOR 9/1922--12/2020 (3 year moving wall) ‡ Academic OneFile 1/1993--Current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 9/15/1922--current; Academic OneFile 1/1978--current; Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
Foreign Policy
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: JSTOR 1970--2020 (3 year moving wall) ‡ Academic Search Complete 3/1999--current ‡ Academic OneFile 12/1993--9/2021 ‡ MasterFile Premier 3/1990--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 3/1984--current; Academic OneFile 3/1977--9/2021; MasterFile Premier 3/1984--current
In Reading Room: one year current
Online: Internet Archive 1939-1968 (incomplete; includes indexes beginning 1930)
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1980--12/1/2018;



Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/2000--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/2000--current
Godey’s Magazine
Bound in Vault Collection: v.70, 71 (1865), v.79 (1869)--v.96 (1878)
Golf Digest
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 7/1993--current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 7/1993--current
Guitar World
In Reading Room: three years current



Harper’s Magazine
In Reading Room: three years current
Bound: v.145 (1922)--v.243 (1971)
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1992--5/2007 ‡ Academic OneFile 1/1993--8/2007
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide has selective coverage 1900--1982; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current; Academic OneFile 1/1977--current
Hartford Courant
In Reading Room: Most current issue and week stored on newspaper shelves. Ask at Circulation Desk for one month back issues
Full Text: Hartford Courant: 1764--1922 ‡ Hartford Courant: 1992--current
Indexed In: Hartford Courant: 1764--1922; Hartford Courant 1992--current
(Discontinued 4/2022)
In Reading Room: 4/2019--4/2022
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 2/1992--4/2022
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 2/1992--4/2022
History Today
In Reading Room: Oct. 2017--current
Bound: v.16 (1966)--v.20 (1970)
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1975--current ‡ Academic OneFile 11/1992--4/2011
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1975--current; Academic OneFile 1/1978--12/2018
Hockey News, The
In Reading Room: one year current
Housed in Modern Languages Department
Bound: v.1 (1958)--v.24 (1981) Has five-year indexes [v.14, Iss. 1 missing]
Indexed in: Readers’ Guide Selective coverage 1961--1982; Academic OneFile 1/1977--3/1989
Hudson Review, The
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: JSTOR 1948--2020 (3 year moving wall) ‡ Academic Search Complete 9/2001--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1987--1/2019; Academic Search Complete 9/1990--current



Illustrated London News
Bound: v.56 (1915)--v.61 (1918); v.104 (1939)--v.211 (1947)
Independent School
In Reading Room: five years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1990--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1990--current
Inside Lacrosse
In Reading Room: two years current



In Reading Room: two years current
Journal of American History, The
In Reading Room: five years current
Full Text: JSTOR 1964-2018 (5 year moving wall) ‡ Academic Search Complete 9/2003--current (12 month delay)
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 3/1977--9/1/2018; Academic Search Complete 9/1990--current



LCM: Library of Congress Magazine
In Reading Room: Nov/Dec 2017--current
Library Journal
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1975--current ‡ MasterFilePremier 1/1975--current
Indexed In: Readers Guide selective coverage 1920--1977; Academic Search Complete 1/1975--current; MasterFile Premier 1/1975--current
Bound:v.1 (1936)--v.73 (1972) Not published from 1973--1977
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 8/1996--5/2000
Full Text Available OnlineLife v.1 (1936)--v.73 (1972)
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide selective coverage 1940--1972; Academic OneFile 10/1978--5/2000; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--5/2000
Litchfield County Times, The
In Reading Room: most current issue and month stored on newspaper shelves. Ask at Circulation Desk for additional back issues.



In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1989--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1977--current
In Reading Room: five years current
Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK-12
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: JSTOR 9/1908--11/2018 (5 year moving wall)
Indexed In: JSTOR 1908--2020; Academic OneFile 3/1992--9/2017; Academic Search Complete 1/1997--5/2019
Modern Drummer
In Reading Room: three years current
Monde des Ados
Housed in Modern Languages Department
Mother Jones
In Reading Room: five years current
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 4/1990--current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 1/1984--current
Motor Trend
In Reading Room: three years current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current
In Reading Room: three years current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current



Nation, The
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1975--current ‡ Academic OneFile 1/1984--4/2005
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete1/1985--current; Academic OneFile 1/1977--7/2005
National Geographic
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: National Geographic Virtual Library 1888--current ‡ Academic Search Complete 1/1995--7/2021
Indexed In: National Geographic Virtual Library 1888--current; Academic Search Complete 1/1888--current
National Geographic History
In Reading Room: 2017--current
National Review
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 11/19/1955--current ‡ AcademicOneFile 1/27/1984--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide selective coverage 1961--1982; Academic OneFile 1/7/1977--current; Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
National Wildlife
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 12/1990--current ‡ Academic OneFile 8/1994--10/2002
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide selective coverage 1967--1982; Academic OneFile 2/1977--12/1/2018; Academic Search Complete 2/1984--current
Natural History
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 5/1990--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 1940--1982; Academic Search Complete 1/1974--current
NCAA Champion
In Reading Room: two years current
New England Soccer Journal
In Reading Room: three years current
New Republic, The
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 5/1990--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 1914--1983; Academic Search Complete 1/1955--current
New Scientist
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 2/25/2023--current ‡ Academic Search Complete 1/2002--current (1 month delay)
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/2023--current; Academic Search Complete 7/1990--current
New York
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 3/13/2006--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 2/7/1977--current; Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
New York Review of Books, The
In Reading Room: one year current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/20/1977--current; Academic Search Complete 1/1989--current
New York State Conservationist
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 5/1990--current ‡ Academic OneFile 10/1995--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current; Academic OneFile 10/1995--current
New York Times, The
Full Text: New York Times: 1851--2018 ‡ New York Times: 1980--current ‡ U.S. Major Dailies: 1980--current
Indexed In: New York Times: 1851--2018; New York Times: 1980--current; U.S. Major Dailies 1980--current
New Yorker, The
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/14/2002--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide selective coverage 1940-1982; Academic OneFile 1/1977--current



Published bimonthly until 2018; quarterly since
In Reading Room: five years current
In Reading Room: three years current
Outside Magazine
In Reading Room: two years current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 2/1998--current



In Reading Room: five years current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 3/22/1989--3/22/2019
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 3/4/1994--current ‡ MasterFile Premier 3/4/1974--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/9/1984--current
People en Español
(Discontinued: 4/1/2022)
Housed in Modern Languages Department
Popular Mechanics
In Reading Room: beginning 1/1/2012
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1996--current ‡ MasterFile Premier 1/1996--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current; MasterFile Premier 1/1984--current
Popular Science
(Discontinued 2/2021)
In Reading Room: Fall 2018--Spring 2020
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1984--9/2020 ‡ Academic Search Complete 11/2002--12/2020
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1977--9/2020; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--12/2020
Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives
Ceased publication
Bound: v.13 (1981)--2017
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 3/22/2001--6/22/2017



Quebec Science
Housed in Modern Languages Department



Real Simple
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 5/2000--current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 5/2000--current
In Reading Room: most current issue and one week. Ask at Circulation Desk for one month back issues. Online access also available (Contact Library staff for login credentials)
Rolling Stone
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 8/9/1990--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 10/6/1977--12/1/2021; Academic Search Complete 1/19/1984--current
Runner’s World
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1993--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1977--current



Sailing World
In Reading Room: two years current
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: JSTOR 1880--2018 (5 year moving wall) ‡ Academic OneFile 7/22/1983--12/23/2005
Indexed In JSTOR 1880--2016; Academic OneFile 1/7/1977--current; Academic Search Complete 1984--current
Science News
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: JSTOR 1966-2014 ‡. Academic Search Complete 6/14/2014--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 1966--1982; Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
Scientific American
In Reading Room: three years current
Bound: v.192 (1955)--v.206 (6/1962); v.208 (1963)--v.224 (6/1971)
Full Text: JSTOR 1845--2019 (4 year moving wall) ‡ Academic Search Complete 1/2007--current
Indexed In: JSTOR 1845--2017; Academic Search Complete 1/1984--current
Sewanee Review, The
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: JSTOR 1892--2018 (5 year moving wall) ‡ Academic Search Complete 1/1990--3/1/2001
Indexed In JSTOR 1892--2018; Academic Search Complete 1/1990--10/1/2022
Ski Journal, The
In Reading Room: three years current
Sky & Telescope
In Reading Room: five years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1994--current
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide selective coverage 1952--1982; Academic Search Complete 2/1984--current
In Reading Room: three years current
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/1984--7/2022
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 4/1974--12/1982; Academic OneFile 7/1976--7/2022
Snowboarder’s Journal, The
(formerly Frequency: The Snowboarder’s Journal)
In Reading Room: three years current
Sports Illustrated
In Reading Room: one year current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/9/1984--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/9/1984--current



Taft Bulletin
In Reading Room: Summer 2010--current
Taft Business Review
In Reading Room: 1/2022--current
Taft Global Journal
In Reading Room: 2009--current
Taft Papyrus
In Reading Room: three years current
Taft Red Ink
Taft’s Annual Literary & Arts Magazine
In Reading Room: 2000--current
Teaching Tolerance
In Reading Room: five years current
Tennis Magazine
(Discontinued 11/2/2022)
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: MasterFile Premier 1/1995--current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 1/1984--current
In Reading Room: one year current
Bound: v.15 (1930)--v.78 (1961); v.80 (Apr 1962)--v.88 (1966)
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 3/1923--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 3/1923--current; Readers’ Guide selective coverage 1935--1983; Academic Search Complete 1/1985--current
Tout Comprendre, Jr.
Housed in Modern Languages Department
Town Times
In Reading Room: Most current issue and month stored on newspaper shelves. Ask at Circulation Desk for additional back issues





Vanity Fair
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 1/2003--6/1/2023
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1991--9/1/2023
In Reading Room: two years current
Full Text: Academic OneFile 6/1997--current
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 4/1997--current
Virginia Quarterly Review
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 1/1990--current
Indexed In: Academic Search Complete 1/1990--current
In Reading Room: two years current


Wall Street Journal
In Reading Room: Most current issue and week stored on newspaper shelves. Ask at Circulation Desk for additional back issues
Full Text: U.S. Major Dailies 1/2/1984--current
Full Text: WSJ Online Edition U.S. Major Dailies 1/8/2010--current
Indexed In: U.S. Major Dailies 1984--current
Week, The
In Reading Room: one year current
In Reading Room: three years current
Indexed In: MasterFile Premier 6/2008--current
Wrestling USA
In Reading Room: three years current
Writer, The
In Reading Room: three years current
Full Text: Academic Search Complete 5/1990--10/1/2012 ‡ Academic OneFile 1/1993--10/1/2012
Indexed In: Academic OneFile 1/1978--10/1/2012; Academic Search Complete 6/1/1987--current





Yale Review, The
In Reading Room: three years current
Bound: v.53 (1963)--v.60 (1971); v.70 (1980)--v.103 (2015)
Indexed In: Readers’ Guide 5/1892--10/1977; Academic OneFile 3/1977--current; Academic Search Complete 7/1996--current
Yoga Journal
(Discontinued 8/25/2022)
In Reading Room: May/Jun 2019--Summer 2022