Moctezuma (aka Montezuma) v. Hernán Cortés
Aztec v. Sparta
Maya v. Han China
Inka (aka Inca) v. Aztec
See NoodleTools Citation Tips for Reference Sources and Primary Sources at the bottom of the page.
Asia for Educators: Primary Sources: China (scroll to 1000 BCE-300 BCE for documents from the Han dynastry period; from Asia for Educators, Columbia University)
Internet History Sourcebooks Project (a vast collection of primary source documents from world history curated by Prof. Paul Halsall and hosted by Fordham University's History Department)
Internet Sacred Text Archive: Native American (freely available archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore... Texts are presented in English translation and, where possible, in the original language.)
National Humanities Center Toolbox Library
The ancient world: extraordinary people in extraordinary societies. Ref CB311 .A53 2017 4 vols (also an online ebook)
Early civilizations in the Americas reference library. 2005 . 4 vols (an online ebook) (includes primary sources in vol. 3)
Encyclopedia of modern Asia. Ref DS4 .E53 2002 6 vols (also an online ebook)
World eras: Classical Greek civilization, 800-323 B.C.E Ref D20 .W67 v.6 (also an online ebook)
Reserve books MUST BE SIGNED OUT and are for use IN THE LIBRARY ONLY for duration of project.
Aztecs: the rise and fall of an empire / Serge Gruzinski. F1219.73 .G7813 1992 2 copies
Encounters in the new world: a history in documents / Jill Lepore. E59 .F53 L46 2000
First encounters: native voices on the coming of the Europeans / ed. by Howard B. Leavitt. GN368 .F57
Readings in Latin American civilization: 1492 to the present / ed. by Benjamin Keen. F1408.3 .K44 [1952]
Sources of Chinese tradition / Compiled by William Theodore de Bary, Wing-tsit Chan, Burton Watson. DS703 .D4 (see Part II: The Imperial Age: Ch'in and Han)
Victors and vanquished: Spanish and Nahua [Aztec] views of the conquest of Mexico / ed. by Stuart B. Schwartz. F1230 .V53 2000
Voices of ancient Greece and Rome: contemporary accounts of daily life / David Matz. DE59 .V64 2012
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You will complete both parts of the Reference Source form:
To cite a PRIMARY SOURCE, first choose the option that best describes where you found it:
Choose "Anthology / Collection" which enables you to cite a source found within another source.