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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Honors Humanities: Artists of the Italian Renaissance: Home

Online Subscription Databases

Books on Book Truck

In order to ensure equitable availability for both HH classes,
these books may be used in the library only for the duration of the project.
You may photocopy or scan pages that are useful to you. (see Genius Scan box to the right.)


Books On Order will be here soon. Check with Ms, Taylor or Mrs. Lovallo on availability.

  • Botticelli /  Barbara Deimling. On Order
  • Botticelli: Artist and Designer / Ana Debenedetti 
  • By Her Hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500-1800 / ed. by Eve Straussman-Pflanzer and Oliver Tostman. NX552 .Z9 G46 2021
  • Famous works of Art -- And How They Got That Way / John B. Nici. N72.5 .N53 2015 *Contains Mona Lisa and Birth of Venus
  • How to be a Renaissance Woman / Jill Burke. GT2341 .E85 B87 2023
  • I know what I am : the life and times of Artemisia Gentileschi / Gina Siciliano. Graphic Novel G364 S53 2020
  • Invisible Women: Forgotten Artists of Florence / Jane Fortune. ND621 .F7 F67 2010
  • Italian Women Artists: from the Renaissance to Baroque / Vera Fortunati Pietrantonio et al. N6915 .I785 2007
  • Leonardo / Walter Isaacson. N6923.L33 I827 2017
  • Leonardo / Martin Kemp.N6923 .L K448 2004
  • Leonardo and The Last Supper / Ross King. ND623 .L5 K564 2012
  • Michelangelo: a Life in Six Masterpieces / Miles Unger. N6923 .B9 U54 2014
  • Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling / Ross King. ND623 .B9 K55 2003
  • Michelangelo: The Achievement of Fame / Michael Hirst. N6923 .B9 h55 2011
  • Painters of the Renaissance / ed. by Kathleen Kuiper. ND170 .P35 2013
  • Plautilla Nelli, 1523-1588: the Painter-prioress of Renaissance Florence / ed. by Jonathan K. Nelson. ND623 .N43 P53 2008
  • The Private Life of a Masterpiece / Monica Bohm-Duchen. N72.5 .B64 2001 *Contains Mona Lisa
  • Raphael, 1483-1520 / Christof Thoenes. ND 6223 .R2 T47 2017
  • Raphael and the Antique / Claudia La Malfa. ND623 .R2 L29 2020
  • A Renaissance Painter's Studio / James Barter. ND170 .B35 2003
  • The Sistine Chapel: A Glorious Restoration / Pierluigi De Vecchi. Oversize ND623 .B9 2913
  • Sofonisba's Lesson: a Renaissance Artist and Her Work / Michael W. Cole. ND623.A5395 C65 2019
  • What Makes a Masterpiece: Artists, Writers, and Curators on the World's Greatest Works of Art / Christopher Dell. N72.5 .W43 2010 *Contains Mona Lisa, Birth of Venus, Sistine Chapel, and School of Athens.
The following Reference books are also reserve:

Encyclopedias and Reference Books / eBooks


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and email the PDF to your Taft email


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If you have any questions, see
Mr. Padgett, Ms. Taylor, or Mr. Previti
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