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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Race and Gender in Hollywood Film: Film of Choice Project: Home

Books on Reserve

These books may be signed out for USE IN THE LIBRARY ONLY for the duration of the assignment:

  • America on Film: representing race, class, gender, and sexuality at the movies / Harry M. Benshoff and Sean Griffin. PN1995.9 .M56 B46 2009
  • The  Routledge companion to cinema and gender / Ed. by Kristin Lene Hole et al. PN1995.9 .S47 R68 2017
  • Understanding movies / Louis Giannetti. PN1994 .G47 2018

Reference Books / eBooks





Taft Subscription Databases

To find reviews and articles about your movie in Taft Subscription Databases: 

  • Enter your movie's title in quotation marks, for example, "The Shape of Water", in the first search field.
  • In the next search field, enter the director's last name.
  • Limit to Full Text. 
  • Choose Document type: Film Review or Movie Review and also Article.
  • Using relevant search terms, you can also search for articles about race and gender in film generally. Remember to limit to Full Text.