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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

History and Film: Home

Library Catalog Search (thin border)

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Electronic Resource Catalog Search

Ebook Only Search

Use this search to find only ebooks that can be accessed via our library catalog.

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eBooks only?
You can also browse and search individual ebook databases here.

Electronic Primary Source Catalog Search

Primary Source eBook Only Search

Use this search to find only ebooks containing primary sources
that can be accessed via our library catalog.

Select Primary Source Type:
There are three subject headings that indicate primary sources:
Sources, Personal Narratives, and Diaries.
Each drop down will give different results, so try them all!

Type of search?



If you have any questions, see
Mr. Previti, Mrs. Lovallo,
or Mr. Padgett
OR email us at  
We're here to help!

Find Primary Sources in Historical Newspaper Databases

  • ALWAYS limit your search to the date range relevant to your topic.

  • Try searching terms, phrases, etc. that were commonly used at the time in relation to your topic. For example: Great War, not World War I.

  • Look for document-type limiters that may improve your results, such as article, commentary, editorial, front page / cover story, letter to the editor, etc.

Journal Databases



Secondary Sources/ Books and eBooks

Secondary Source books / ebooks.

These full-length books - also called Monographs - will have more specific information about your topic.
  • They are written by scholars and subject experts.
  • The author often presents a new interpretation of your topic based upon a synthesis of based on primary sources, secondary source books, journal articles, and other scholarly materials.
  • They contain a bibliography of sources or notes citing sources used.
  • Sometimes there's a whole book on your topic, and sometimes a chapter or section.


Discover print and electronic books by searching our library catalog RhinoCat window to the left.


Primary Source/ NoodleTools Icons

Resource Allows NoodleTools Export Citations can be exported from this source to NoodleTools.
Contains Primary Sources This source contains Primary Sources.