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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Modern World History: World War II: NoodleTools Tutorials

Tips For Citing Primary Sources in NoodleTools

PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy and paste complete citations from electronic sources. NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copied and pasted citations.


To cite a Primary Source, first choose the NoodleTools option that best describes where you found it:

  • Database = an electronic source found in a Taft Subscription Database such as Gale eBooks.
    • You can export citations from many of our databases. Look for Resource Allows NoodleTools Export  next to the database name.
    • If you find a document in a Taft Subscription Database that doesn't have the export feature, you will need to create an original citation.
    • You must provide the permanent URL for your source. Look for any of the following on the page: permalink, persistent link, stable link, durable link, "Get link", Cite, Citable Link. 
  • Website = a document found on the Websites page of the course guide, found through a web directory like SweetSearch, or a search engine such as Google. 

  • Print or In Hand = a document found in a book in the library. For example: in a reference book or a secondary source.

Next, determine what kind of primary source you are citing:

  • Look at the list of options in NoodleTools. Is it a newspaper article, a speech, a letter, or another item listed? If so, choose that item type.
  • If you are not sure, you can use Anthology / Collection which enables you to cite a source found within another source.
You can also see (or email) Mr. Padgett, Mrs. Lovallo, or Mr. Previti and we'll help you figure it out.


NoodleTools will ask - in this order:
1. Where did you find your source?
  • Most likely it will be one of these:
    • Database 
    • Website
    • Print or in-hand
2. What is your source?
  • Most likely, it will be one of these:
    • Journal
    • Magazine
    • Newspaper
    • Book
    • Reference Source
    • Web Page
PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy and paste citations from electronic sources. 
NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copied and pasted citations.


Have a NoodleTools question? 

Mr. Padgett, Mrs. Lovallo, and Mr. Previti can help!





  • What is a notecard.
  • How to create a notecard
  • How to fill in a notecard



Click here for more NoodleTools tutorials.

If you have any questions, see
Mr. Previti, Mrs. Lovallo,
or Mr. Padgett
OR email us at  
We're here to help!