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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

History of the Civil War and Reconstruction: 1862: Images


Images created at the time of your topic are also primary sources!

From the National Archives: The Civil War was the first large and prolonged conflict recorded by photography. During the war, dozens of photographers--both as private individuals and as employees of the Confederate and Union Governments--photographed civilians and civilian activities; military personnel, equipment, and activities; and the locations and aftermaths of battles. 
All Civil War photographs are now in the public domain, and reproductions may be used by anyone in any capacity. However, you must properly cite the photographs in compliance with any requirements of the institutions providing the images.


Online Databases

Any images and videos in these databases may be used and must be cited.
Contains Primary Sources means this source contains Primary Sources.
Resource Allows NoodleTools Export means you can export the citation for this source to NoodleTools.


Websites with Civil War Photographs

Digital Public Library of America (more than 37 million free-to-use images, texts, videos and  sounds held within America’s libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. Keyword search or explore Browse by Topic, Exhibitions, and Primary Source Sets in the top menu bar. Browse by time period within Primary Source Sets.)

Google Images Click on Tools and choose Usage Rights: Creative Commons Licenses for images you may freely use.

Library of Congress: Prints and Photographs Online Catalog: Search by the subject/contents of the photograph/print and date for best results. If you start typing a date, a series of suggested dates and/or date ranges will pop up. If you need any help, please ask a Librarian!

The New York Public Library Digital Images Collection (Be sure to check "Search only public domain materials" when you search this digital collection  881,097 prints, photographs, maps, and more.)

Public Domain Images from the National Archives  (This set features images from the U.S. National Archives that are believed to be in the public domain. As NARA explains: "The vast majority of digitized historical documents and photographs in ARC are in the public domain. Therefore, no written permission is required to use them. We would appreciate your crediting the National Archives and Records Administration as the original source. For the few that remain copyrighted, please read the instructions noted in the description for the digital image.)

Wikimedia Commons (Wikimedia Commons is a free media repository of over 58 million freely usable items)

If you have any questions, see
Mr. Previti, Mrs. Lovallo,
or Mr. Padgett
OR email us at  
We're here to help!

Citing Images in NoodleTools

NOTEAn image is cited on the slide upon which it appears rather than in the bibliography at the end of your project.

To cite an Image, choose the option that best describes where you found it: 

  • Database = a Taft Subscription Database such as Britannica ImageQuest.
  • Website =  a website like Digital Public Library of America or one found through Google Images.
  • Print or In-Hand = a print book or reference source containing a chart, graph, or table.

Next you will choose the type of image you are citing. For instance, a cartoon or comic strip, map or chart, photo or illustration, or work of visual art.

  • To download an image, right click on the image and choose "Save image as". (On a MacBook, hold down Ctrl and click = right click) 
  • To get the permanent URL of the image for your citation, right click on the image and choose "Copy image address".


If you have any questions,  Mr. Padgett, Ms. Taylor, and Mr. Previti are happy to help!