SEE ALSO the guide for Revolutions: The Mexican Revolution for additional resources.
Compare the revolutionary periods in British (1640-1689) and Mexican (1910-1920) history.
Which period resulted in a greater revolution in each country's constitutional framework?
Focus on one of the following areas:
In essence: which revolution was more revolutionary?
Your answer should demonstrate BOTH an understanding of the constitutional changes wrought by each revolution AND how the constitutional framework actually worked. A conclusion might focus on current interpretations.
The paper should account for the fact that Britain's constitution is much more amorphous than the Mexican constitution.
It is perfectly permissible (and probably necessary) that you focus more on the country whose revolution was more influential. But while the paper may be slightly unbalanced in its treatment, it should not slight one country entirely.
The paper should be typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, and between 3-5 pages in length. The paper must include properly formatted footnotes and bibliography in Chicago style.