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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Foundations: Islamic Empires: Primary Sources


Sources created by those who lived it


Any document, image, or artifact created at the time of the topic being researched is a primary source.

Examples of Primary Sources from Islamic Empires include: eyewitness accounts, memoirs, diaries, letters, speeches, household and day-to-day objects, coins, textiles and clothing, and works of art and architecture.

Please note: primary source documents are a reflection of the time and culture in which they were created and may contain language or images that are considered offensive today.

Tips for Citing Primary Sources in NoodleTools


RhinoCat is the Library's automated catalog of books, ebooks, and other library materials.
Many books and reference sources, print and electronic, contain primary sources. 
  • To find writings, speeches, and more by an individual 

    • Do an Author search using your person's name to find books, letters, diaries, memoirs, autobiographies written by that person.
    • Do a Keyword search of your person's name to identify writings, interviews, speeches in anthologies and collections.
  • To find documents relating to your topic

    • Copy and paste the following exact word string into the basic keyword search box:
      • su,wrdl: sources or su,wrdl: diaries or su,wrdl: personal narratives and kw,wrdl: xxxxx
      • Substitute your topic or topic phrase for xxxxx
  • Additional terms useful for locating primary sources are: correspondence, interviews, speeches, and statistics.

Search RhinoCat 

Search Type:

See also your Islamic Empire's course guide page to find primary sources for your empire.

If you have any questions, see
Mr. Previti, Mrs. Lovallo,
or Mr. Padgett
OR email us at  
We're here to help!

Tips for Citing Primary Sources in NoodleTools

PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy and paste complete citations from electronic sources. NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copied and pasted citations.


To cite a Primary Source, first choose the NoodleTools option that best describes where you found it:

  • Database = an electronic source found in a Taft Subscription Database such as Gale eBooks.
    • You can export citations from many of our databases. Look for Resource Allows NoodleTools Export  next to the database name.
    • If you find a document in a Taft Subscription Database that doesn't have the export feature, you will need to create an original citation.
    • You must provide the permanent URL for your source. Look for any of the following on the page: permalink, persistent link, stable link, durable link, "Get link", Cite, Citable Link. 
  • Website = a document found on the Websites page of the course guide, found through a web directory like SweetSearch, or a search engine such as Google. 

  • Print or In Hand = a document found in a book in the library. For example: in a reference book or a secondary source.

Next, determine what kind of primary source you are citing:

  • Look at the list of options in NoodleTools. Is it a newspaper article, a speech, a letter, or another item listed? If so, choose that item type.
  • If you are not sure, you can use Anthology / Collection which enables you to cite a source found within another source.
You can also see (or email) Mr. Padgett, Ms. Taylor, or Mr. Previti and we'll help you figure it out.