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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Unconventional Narrators: Circe Final Assignment: Websites

Citing Websites Using NoodleTools

PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy and paste complete citations from web pages if given. NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copies and pasted citation.


To cite a source on a website, choose Website.

Remember: a website is an online source you discover through Google (or another search engine) as opposed to a subscription database you access through the library.

  • Websites can contain many kinds of sources including: Reference articles, ebook content, journal articles, primary sources, newspaper articles, speech transcripts, images, etc.
  • If you can determine it, select the source type from the list under Website in NoodleTools.
  • If it's not clear what type of source it is, choose Webpage.


If you would like help evaluating a source, see (or email) Mr. Padgett, Ms. Taylor, or Mr. Previti.
We're happy to help!