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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Honors US History: 1900-Present: Secondary Sources: Books / eBooks

Secondary Sources / Monographs will have more specific information about your topic.

  • Books (also called monographs) and journal articles are examples of Secondary Sources.
  • Secondary sources are written by scholars and present a new interpretation or thesis based upon a synthesis of primary sources, scholarly journal articles, and other secondary sources.
  • Sometimes there will be an entire book, sometimes you may have to assemble information from multiple monographs.
  • Secondary sources usually have a bibliography of materials for further study, including primary sources, journal articles and books.


Tips for Citing Books / eBooks in NoodleTools

RhinoCat is the Library's automated catalog of books, ebooks, and other library materials.

A keyword search using a broad term will yield the most hits. 

  • When you identify a book that looks useful, click on the book title to open the book's full record. 
    • Scroll down to Subject(s): and click on a subject heading to find other books with the same subject headings.
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Browse shelf to see books that sit to the left and right on the shelf.


Search Library Catalog

Visit Library Catalog Page

If you find a book in RhinoCat that looks useful,

but it's already checked out,

see your librarian!

Very Short Introductions

If you have any questions,
see Mr. Padgett, Ms. Taylor, or Mr. Previti
OR email us at
We're here to help!


PLEASE NOTE: We recommend that you NOT copy and paste complete citations for ebooks. NoodleTools cannot generate footnotes from copied and pasted citations. 


Print and electronic books can be cited using the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) . The ISBN can be found on the back cover of a book, on the back side of the title page, or in the catalog record for the book. It can also be found in databases containing sources originally produced in print. If you don't find it, we can help you. Books published before about 1967 won't have an ISBN.

International Standard Book Number - Wikipedia

To cite a book, choose the NoodleTools option that best describes where you found it:

  • Database = an electronic book found in a Taft Subscription Database such as Gale eBooks.
    • You can export citations from many of our databases. Look for Resource Allows NoodleTools Export  next to the database name.
    • If you cannot export the citation, go to NoodleTools, choose Database and then Book.
    • Be sure to provide the permanent URL for your ebook. Look for any of the following on the page: permalink, persistent link, stable link, durable link, "Get link", Cite, or Citable Link.
    • Complete information about the book (author, title, publication place, publisher, and publication date).
  • Website = an electronic book found on the Internet using a search engine like Google.
    • Choose Book.
    • Copy and paste the URL for the book from your browser address bar. 
    • Enter author, title, publication place, publisher, and publication date. If there's an ISBN, search that number to get the information about the book.
    • Enter the name of the website, and publisher if given.
  • Print or In Hand = a print book, such as one found in the library 
    • Choose Book.
    • If published after 1967, look for the ISBN and enter it into NoodleTools.
    • Make sure you have the author, title, publication place, publisher, and publication date.


If you have any questions,  Mr. Padgett, Ms. Taylor, or Mr. Previti are happy to help!