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The Hulbert Taft, Jr. Library

Honors Comparative Government: Contemporary Issues: Home

Your Assignment

  • Identify the most important crisis facing your country.
  • Determine whether this problem is primarily endogenous or exogenous.
  • Determine whether the best possible solutions are internal or external.

Africa: Congo, Libya, Zimbabwe

Asia: Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen

Latin America: Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela

Southeast Asia: Indonesia

Encyclopedias and Reference Books / eBooks

World Today series

  • Latin America, 2019-2020. Ref F1401 .L3252  2019/20
  • Africa, 2019-2020. Ref DT1 .D6 2019/20  
  • East and southeast Asia, 2019-2020. Ref DS502 .H53 2019/20
  • The Middle East and south Asia, 2019-2020. Ref DS41 .C55 2019/20

About The World Today Series

"A series of well-proportioned, complete, and very up-to-date texts which focus on current events and are uncluttered with unnecessary and repetitive background detail. Revised and published each August, the books in the series provide important details and analysis for each country, with sharp focus on the realities of today's events. Year after year, the combination of factual accuracy and up-to-date detail along with the informed projections make The World Today books outstanding resources for researchers, practitioners in international development, media professionals, government officials, potential investors, students, and high-school, college & public libraries." 

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