Distant Neighbors: the U.S. and the Mexican Revolution (From the researchers at the Hispanic Reading Room of the Library of Congress)
Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 (produced by the Latin American Revolutions class at Truman State University, MO)
The Mexican Revolution, November 20, 1910 (An overview of the main players on the competing sides, primary source materials for point of view analysis, discussion of how the arts reflected the era, and links to Chronicling America, a free digital database of historic newspapers, that covers this period in great detail; from EDSITEment, a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities)
Mexico: the Taming of a Revolution (Developed by students at Brown University working with Professor James N. Green in the course “Modern Latin America” and hosted by Brown University Libraries. A companion site to chapter 3 in the textbook Modern Latin America, 8th edition, it presents sample essays that students have written based on course work, and serves as a guide to further study and research. Includes primary source material.)
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